Indications for Metal Colour Light Therapy

Iron, manganese, cobalt and nickel, gold, silver and copper, when transformed into colour, are used in the therapy glasses for metal colour light therapy. To characterise the therapeutic effects of the metals here are a few words from the book Metallfarblichttherapie by Marianne Altmaier:

The metals are the most spiritual part of external nature which the human being can encounter.  Their qualities mirror for him the forces which are the basis of his inmost being.

„They are essential biological catalysts which regulate the regeneration of plants, animals and human beings and are also an important means of healing for the warmth, formative forces and movement which ray out from the ego in the living human body.“

If we look at the totality of the 12 coloured glasses we can assign them broadly within the polarity of blue or red colours. On the one side we have the green, blue and blue-violet coloured  therapy glasses. These are created with iron or iron-related metals and bring about a deepening of the breathing. Warmth and incarnation processes are stimulated. There is consoldation and creation of new forces for deeds in the world and to stand and walk one‘s path in life. On the other side are the therapy glasses which tend towards the red pole and are created using gold, silver, copper. These stimulate processes of transformation both in the bodily-etheric realm and the inner transformation which helps us to take hold of our destiny.

The following indications have been effective in many cases:

•*To clear the head in cases of chronic Sinusitis and Migraine, also for eye diseases

•*Against muscular tension of the spine, often combined with disturbed sleep

•*Improvement of symptoms in diseases of the breathing system: Strengthening the activity of breathing, in different forms of infection (acute or chronic), influenza, laryngitis, bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia,lung emphysema, also calming the breathing eg coughing in Lung cancer

•*Harmonising the heart and  blood circulation: weakness of circulation, irregular heart beat, weakness of heart function, high blood pressure of arteries

•*Harmonising the breathing system
overcoming stottering, relaxation of tension in problems of speech and singing

•*Strengthening digestion,stimulation of Pancreas and Gall Bladder

•*Against Migraine or Psoriasis and Auto- immune Illnesses

•*In chronic recurring conditions to shorten the attacks and reduce their frequency: colitis, Morbus Crohn, Fibromyalgy, rheumatic illnesses

Breast cancer, Intestinal cancer, cancer of the stomach, liver, lung,fatigue syndrome, partially blocked intestine (subileus) pain, anxiety

•*To build up the Life-forces
after Chemotherapy: eg peripheral neuropathy, infections of the breathing system, exhaustion, slow convalescence
  -> In conditions of exhaustion after long illness eg Pneumonia or after an operation

•*On both Soul-spiritual and physiological levels
  -> for depression, anxiety, lack of orientation
  -> emotional exhaustion (Burnout)

•*Against the consequences of shock (trauma): Abuse, violence, war injuries among other trauma

•*In times of biographical crisis for nervous anxiety, panic attacks, depression with apathy and inertia, also if there is aggression, exhaustion syndrome, soul hysteria, shock, dementia, and post traumatic stress syndrome

•*To support and harmonise Incarnation processes
for children and adolescents in developmental crises eg Rubicon, puberty also trauma in childhood, fear of going to school, slowness in learning, restlessness, anxiety in social situations

•*In Curative Education: to warm and enliven the whole body, to deepen the breathing, to harmonise the day and night rhythms(sleeping and waking), to relax chronic spastic cramps, for nutritional deficiencies, for existential anxiety,eg in childhood trauma, learning difficulties, ADHS, autism, hysteria,epilepsy and other conditions