Additional Qualification as a Metal Colour Light Therapist
The growing interest in metal colour light therapy and in our metal colour light therapist training is the motivation behind our decision to offer the metal colour light therapist training again. Our course is designed for art therapists, music therapists, curative eurythmists, doctors, teachers and remedial education specialists who hold a certificate in anthroposophical further education. The metal colour light therapist training is recognized by the Medical Section of the Goetheanum.
The training period is three years. Each training year focuses on a particular theme. The first year concentrates on the transformation of the Goetheanum window art into a metal colour light therapy. The focus of the second year is the metals and their forces and action. The theme of the third year is human destiny and the destiny of the metals, especially the therapeutic use of metal colour light.
The aim of the training is to familiarize trainees with the action of metal colour light and help them acquire the skill to use it therapeutically. Exercises in observation help develop the participants’ awareness of the light, warmth, material, and dynamic qualities of metal colour light and its effects. In this process, trainees’ sense perceptions develop into physical-soul-spiritual experiences. Later, on the basis of this personal experience, they are able to unfold perspectives on how to use metal colour light.
Course members are also guided through a series of experiences - artistic painting and drawing, experience of the base substances of glassmaking, production and etching of a glass panel, becoming acquainted with the metals and their qualities, research results, discussing case studies, and-later-their own work with patients, which help them comprehend the nature of metal colour light therapy. Within this unfolding process, the interaction between participants of different therapeutic backgrounds has a promoting, enlivening and inspiring effect on the group process.
Each year of the training has two modules. The first module of each year lasts seven days and takes place in August at the Lichtblick Atelier in Schwörstadt, Germany. The spring module occurs on long weekends at institutions where metal colour light therapy is practiced. In each year of the training the students must submit an individually chosen written project related to the theme of the year. In the summer modules from the end of the first year of the training the students present their individual projects. The first two years include short placements. In the third year an extended placement is required; students work independently (under supervision) with metal colour light therapy. Together with documenting two therapy cases, this forms the basis of their final project. The final projects are presented orally at the concluding weekend of the course at the end of the third training year.
The metal colour light therapist continuing education training is directed by Clothilde Bernard, Hazel Adams and Lucien Turci. Other metal colour light therapists (trained by Marianne Altmaier) will also take part as instructors depending on the training location.
A new training starts in August 2023
Further training as Metal Colour Light Therapist
Our current training startet in August, 2019 and will end 2023/24.
For information about introdutory workshops please look under our calendar of events or inquire at our Lichtblick office. The course curriculum and a pamphlet on the training can also be downloaded as a PDF file.