Clothilde Bernardclothilde bernard

1972 borne in Montreal, Canada

1992 - 1996Training in theater and dance at the Place Royale Modern Dance School of Ottawa, Canada

1994 - 2000 Acting workshops and theater project with adolescents, Ecole R. Steiner, Montreal

Responsible of the youth section: seminars and conferences, La Société Anthroposophique en France, Paris

2000 - 2004Eurythmy training at the Spring Valley Eurythmy School, U.S.A.

2004 - 2005 Eurythmy teacher, Ecole Michael, Strasbourg, France

2006 - 2016 Goetheanum guidings tour, glasswindows

2007 - 2009Curative Eurythmy training, Medizinische Sektion, Dornach, Switzerland

since 2009Eurythmy teacher in Waldorf schools, Switzerland and France

2010 - 2014 Waldorf teacher and Extra Lesson training, Akademie für anthroposophische Pädagogik, Dornach

2014 - 2016 Glass engraving training with Lucien Turci, Lichtblick e.V., Schwörstadt

since 2017Co-worker by Verein Lichtblick, Schwörstadt:

  • engraving glass for therapy and art objects
  • viewing and archive of Marianne Altmaier`s work
  • development of the engraving technique
  • contact with the visual art section of the Goetheanum, Dornach